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Manual screening using handheld temperature measurement is not safe. Fever and shortness of breath being a major symptom of COVID-19 hence, many countries have made it mandatory for people to wear masks in public places and urged malls and corporate institutions to have a screening check for symptoms like fever and shortness of breath while people enter the premises. Identification and isolation of people infected with COVID-19 helps in containing the spread. COVID-19 is highly contagious as it spreads through person to person through droplets. This disease has raised a serious concern about public health among governments and other world organizations across the globe. Ĭoronavirus disease (COVID-19) has infected 185 million people and caused over 4 million deaths globally over the last two years. The presentation will start with a general overview.


Where possible, actual program code snippets where optimizations played an important role will be presented.

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Several smaller completed application examples will be briefly looked at while presenting important optimization concepts and techniques.

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Some of the forensic applications written over the years are toy prototypes while others are complete forensic analysis frameworks that have been used in solving real-world cyber and forensic challenges. Through the systematic application of Mathematica/Wolfram Language functionality and, where appropriate, leveraging external systems (i.e., code compilation, external programs) and lower-level system/operating system optimizations, it is possible to write large and complex user-driven GUI applications (>40K lines of code) that remain responsive. Mathematica, and by extension the Wolfram Language, provide an incredible array of capabilities that can be brought to bear on complex computer-/digital forensics–related problems. Finance, Statistics & Business Analysis.Wolfram Knowledgebase Curated computable knowledge powering Wolfram|Alpha. Wolfram Universal Deployment System Instant deployment across cloud, desktop, mobile, and more. Wolfram Data Framework Semantic framework for real-world data.

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